Ashbel Hinman, at whose home the hope of an established church body became a reality, was the sustaining force in organizing our church in 1823. Reverent Ebenezer Everett who was a home missionary recognized that a group of Christian people who were part of the town were meeting regularly at the Hinman house where Deacon Hinman conducted prayer meetings and read sermons. Rev. Everett suggested that a church be established. Our church, First Presbyterian Society of the Town of Porter, was officially enrolled at the Presbytery of Niagara on January 27, 1824.
Meetings continued to be held in the homes of members. As the membership increased, the problem of where to meet arose. After the first school was built on Main Street across the street from our present building, services were held at the school. In 1835 Rev. John Elliott became the first settled pastor of the church and soon started a movement for the erection of a House of Worship. By faith and perseverance, the House was completed and dedicated September 10, 1837. The cost was $2600. As additional members joined, the need to expand the building by adding twenty-four new pews and a more impressive steeple was done in 1841. By 1896 the membership had grown to 107 and the remodeling of the church building began. The physical appearance of the church was larger and more modern than the original. The new building was dedicated on September 10, 1897. The 1950’s saw a number of important growths and experiences. The church rolls had increased to four hundred and again there was a need to expand. In 1956, the ground -breaking ceremonies for eight new Sunday School classrooms, a kitchen, lavatories, and some changes in the sanctuary took place. In the 2003 once again there was a need, this time for a larger fellowship hall. The basement under the sanctuary was no longer large enough to hold church potlucks. We even had to rent the firehall for our 175th celebration so we could gather in one room. Once again, an addition to our building was done adding a new fellowship hall, additional classrooms (including space for a thriving Montessori preschool), and a larger kitchen. Our church has become a true hub of activity and home for groups serving not only members of our church, but also the broader community.
Throughout our 200 years of ministry, we have served as an example of Christ’s love in our community and the greater world, honoring that love and the Gospel by carrying out our mission in gratitude for that gift. In worship and in action, we nurture the unique talents, challenges and opportunities that come with every age and stage in a lifetime of faith.
We actively engage through worship, teaching, service and caring fellowship, as well as through many programs, committees, and community-based works. From flowers to finance, singing to Sunday school, ushering to raking, there is a place for everyone to put their faith into action.
This small town, country community tucked between the Niagara River and Lake Ontario allows us to encourage and share our faith and the Holy Spirit in the God-given natural splendor that surrounds us.
We have lived this vision from before the lives of today’s congregation. Beyond church services and Sunday Schools for all ages, we attract and welcome all faiths and ages, abilities and backgrounds for everything from Farmers’ markets to rummage sales, AARP tax work to the ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service at Old Fort Niagara, Scout programs to youth mission trips. There are close to 40 church and community programs actively supported by this congregation by time and treasure, word and deed.
As we celebrate 200 years we are reminded of the words of Isaiah in chapter 43:19. Look! I’m doing a new thing now it blossoms Can You See It?