Single and reoccurring payments can be setup through your bank’s payment system. Similar to making a household payment, you can setup Youngstown Presbyterian Church as one of your payees. Please denote in the memo field where you'd like your donation to go.
Payments should be mailed to:
Youngstown Presbyterian Church
100 Church St.
Youngstown, N.Y. 14174
Online giving is a safe and easy way to support Youngstown Presbyterian Church. We use the online giving portal through Vanco Faith. Please click the button below and you will be taken to the giving platform.
Any check made out to Youngstown Presbyterian Church can be mailed to the following address:
Youngstown Presbyterian Church
100 Church Street
Youngstown, N.Y. 14174
You can place your offering in the offering plate as it's passed around on Sunday mornings during worship. You can also drop your offering in our drop-box located outside the main entrance of the church.